In our daily lives, we are often exposed to situations that produce stress which can also manifest itself with different diseases. As the intensity of stress increases in the daily life of individuals, the intensity of stress that goes to the brain increases as well.
However, the contraction of the chewing muscles causes muscle strengthening. The strengthening of chewing muscles creates the act of unwittingly squeezing teeth in people, whereas involuntary contact of teeth can lead to abrasions.

Bruxism is usually a condition in which you grind or clench your teeth by jaw movements that cannot be prevented during the sleep. This condition is colloquially defined as teeth grinding. Although it is a common condition in society, it is usually unknown to people who are facing this problem. It is known that bruxism has a genetic component and affects every two in five people.

- Most patients visits doctor with complaints like poor quality of sleep, jaw pain and waking up tired in the morning.
- worn-down teeth, which can lead to increased sensitivity, are also important signs of bruxism. In a similar way, gum recession is one of the frequent symptoms.
- In some cases, it can cause mouth sores.
- Jaw pain is common, along with headaches and ear pain
- A popping or clicking in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
- Although not very often, pain in the neck, back and shoulder could also be a sign of this disease.

One of the most serious reasons related to this discomfort is emotional stress. Negative influence of body stress begins with mouth tissues. It has been identified that stress is both the cause of teeth grinding and a dominant that increases its severity. Bruxism more common affects overly nervous, rigorous and sensitive people. Misaligned teeth’s known as malocclusion is also a cause of bruxism. There are different standpoints for this.
Some researchers believe that this is due to the deterioration of the closing relationship in teeth, some by a disease in the central nervous system, and some researchers believe that it is formed by the impact of both conditions.

Night guard is a type of dental plate made from silicone substance used for teeth grinding guard. Other treatments include muscle- relaxants, psychotherapy and physiotherapy methods but it depends on level of disease. However, reducing stress in daily life is important for a successful treatment.

Night plate application,which is a treatment method used to eliminate pain and prevent permanent damages to the teeth and jaw, is produced specially for you by our doctors. It is placed between the upper and lower teeth in order to prevent contact between your teeth while sleeping. Plate that can easily be treated,by wearing it regularly and every night while you sleep. If patients fail to use it, muscular contraction happens again and as a result of this the disease repeats itself. But in some cases the only use of night plate is not enough. Beside this, additional treatments should be required. As night plate prices are extremely favorable, patients are advised to use this type of method to get rid of more serious problems.

Night guard treatment takes time from 3 months to 6 months. But this period depends on the severity of the disease and it may increase according to the case.